Angie Conn dot Com

11 05 2007

I have a new site I am going to be using so I will be bleeding out this one. I will not delete it, but I will start to not use it anymore.

You can find all the information on the new site that is on here. I just transferred everything over.

The new site is

I am working on a new theme for Angie Conn dot Com. I could use all the suggestions I can get.

Thanks to everyone that visits and I will see you over at Angie Conn dot Com.


Are Fathers responsible for overweight children?

8 05 2007

According to THIS article, if your children’s father doesn’t play an active role in their lives it could be making them fat.

Well, that is not the case in my household. This picture is of my husband, Garry and our daughter, Jaymie. Garry is very active with our kids. There is baseball, softball, basketball, and soon to be wrestling and maybe football if my son decides to play this fall.

I quite don’t get it. If the father is not in the child’s life or he is just not an active parent, then why can’t the mom or other father figure play the role? In my honest opinion, I do not think an “unactive” parent makes your kids overweight. Here is what I think contributes to children’s weight gain:

1. Diet

2. Lack of Activity

3. Discipline

4. Video Games

5. Low Self Esteem

6. Peer Pressure


Here is some of the article of this study I found on Fathers Responsible for Fat Children:Study

Fathers who play less of a role in child rearing are more likely to have overweight or obese offspring, Australian researchers said.


A study of almost 5,000 youngsters revealed that fathers who do not set clear limits for their kids are more likely to have heavier children, according to the Australian Associated Press.

Dads who did lay down boundaries generally had children with a lower body mass index, said the study by the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.

You can read the rest of the article here: STUDY

Blogger Power: Project to Safeguard the Web for our Children

6 05 2007



I was tagged by MotheringTimes for the following campaign:



The project Blogger Power is a campaign to safeguard the Internet for children against pornography. Do visit the site for more details about this project. This is a chance for blogger’s to unite for a good cause. Calling all blogger’s to Blogger’s Unite and Help Spread the word to protect our children from pornography on the Internet.
If you are a blogger, post the common sense request to all the “adult site” webmasters on your site. You can either write your own article about it, or simply copy-paste the following letter:

A Request To All Webmasters Of Adult Sites:
“Please require a password-protected login before allowing even free access to explicit adult content. We understand that selling porn is your business and we respect your right to make a legal living. But understand our legitimate concerns and work with us. You already have the “warning adult content” on your websites. Yet kids, who are not legal customers of your product, ignore the warning. So to prevent them from having direct access to explicit images, texts and sounds, the simplest way is to have a password-protected login. No more “free tours” before a visitor supplies basic information.”

Blogger’s help spread the word and make the web safer for our kids. Please tag 20 other blogger’s to spread the word. Here is my list of blogs:

1. Family Support

2. All the love in the world


4. Coffeegrounds

5. Day by Day Dad

6. Elises Happenings and Wondering’s


8. MomSquawk

9. Parenting Toddlers

10. Silkstation

11. Garry Conn Dot Com

12. The Mom’s Blog Experience


14. The Rooneys

15. Welcome to Nashville Soapbox

16. What Just Happened

17. Political Dishonesty

18. Truth Seekers and Speakers

19. Blog The Internet

20. Where the women blogger’s are


Please pass this on! Let’s protect our children!

Here is a link where you can view links to the entries made by other blogger’s who support this project.


Best Regards,

Angie (Aconn)

I Love Free Game Downloads

5 05 2007

When I have free time I enjoy playing games online. I am pretty competitive in nature and enjoy playing card many different types of games online. Did you know that there are many places where you can download game software for free? I like to search the Internet and places that offer free software to play games. As a parent I sometimes have a little free time to kill, such as when our baby is taking a nap. Granted, I probably should be doing other things like cleaning the house or running a load of laundry. But you know how that goes… the work is never done!

One game I like to play is backgammon. Playing this game, to me, delivers a balance in strategy and luck (My two favorite elements in gaming). I found a great place to download backgammon software provided by They have released their second installment of the BackgammonMasters’ Animation Series “Life According to Jean-Claude”. Jean-Claude may not know why or where the battle of Barbarossa was fought, but he can tell you that persistence is the key to winning any battle. Besides being an industry leader with their exceedingly large and frequent tournaments and prize promotions, has pulled out all the marketing stops and Jean-Claude is a key figure. The first installment of the series received a huge response as the BackgammonMasters rendered it interactive by offering prizes for answering trivia questions about the clip, making the next installments eagerly anticipated. If you enjoy playing backgammon, I would head over to and download their free software.

It’s hard for me to pass up free offers. It is especially hard for me to pass up free gaming software download offers! I have always enjoyed playing games and since the creation of the Internet and online games I have enjoyed playing them even more. My free time to do so is pretty limited though, but I guess that goes hand in hand with being a parent.

Kids Will Break Things

5 05 2007

It is totally normal for kids to break things. Children are developing their hand and eye motor skills and that is one of the main reasons why they are clumsy. Most of the time kids don’t break things on purpose, they are just accident proned because they are in the process of fine tuning their hand and eye motor skills. We have a one year old baby girl and she is growing so fast and her mind is also expanding very fast. Babies are funny because their minds develop faster than their physical bodies can keep up. It takes many years for their bodies to catch up to their minds. It is so funny to see our baby grow and develop into a beautiful toddler.

Yesterday I was playing with my baby and I was holding her in my arms. She was having fun pulling and yanking on my hair. Quickly, without having any time to react, she grabbed my wrist watch and pulled it off my wrist, breaking the wrist band. Granted the watch I had was a Timex and wasn’t too expensive, but still this lead me to think, “If this happened to me, I am sure that it happens to other people”. And just because the watch I had was a cheap watch, there might be others who have an expensive watch that gets broke this way. Coming to realize this, I wanted to find out how someone could repair their watch if their watch band broke. I then found and decided to write a sponsored advertisement about them. They claim to be the global leader in replacement bands for high-end and luxury watches, featuring HIRSCH, StrapCulture and other premium brands. In stock: over 5,000 quality watch straps. Upon investigating the site, I discovered that this site offered really great deals on replacement Watch Bands.

Kids will break things, and being parents we have to accept this and be prepared for the worst! And the summary of this story is, if you want to keep your wrist watch from breaking, I would totally suggest removing it while playing with your baby!