We Are Expecting!

16 03 2008

I have been so busy in my life that I totally neglected to upkeep this blog. I just got over a horrible bout with the Flu and Acute Bronchitis….Yuck!! All while we were in Orlando at Disney World. That was a mess for me but the kids and everyone else enjoyed themselves.

To the good news…..I am finally done with being sick, but I still have a cough. I really wish that would go away.

My husband and I are very proud to announce that we are expecting our 4th baby. I am due October 2nd. I will have a scheduled c-section so the baby will be born around the last week in September. Too bad it couldn’t be on my birthday (the 12th).

Right now I am 11 weeks and 3 days. I found out on Jan. 25th. I had to contact my Doctor right away because I have High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol and I needed to stop the Cholesterol medicine and change the Blood Pressure medicine. I already have had 2 ultrasounds. One at 6 weeks 5 days and the other one at 9 weeks 5 days. I saw the heart beat and it was so strong. I am just excited to be finally hitting my 2nd trimester because the risk of miscarriage drops dramatically.

I go back to the Doctor on April 1st (yeah, I know it’s April Fool’s Day…lol) for just my monthly check-ups. Sometime around 16-20 weeks, I have to go to Vanderbilt in Nashville to get an extensive ultrasound because I will tun 35 years old at the end of this pregnancy. That means I get to have a 3D-4D ultrasound…I am happy about that, but I really do not want to travel to Nashville (an hour away) to get an ultrasound. I work in Nashville and travel 5-6 days a week out there and I cannot stand the trip…

But, it is for the health of my baby, so I will not complain too much there.

OK, I will keep updating my pregnancy here, just in case anyone is interested in keeping up with me.

From the first kick to the day he/she will be born.

It will all be here for you to read!

Take care and until next time……
