We Are Expecting!

16 03 2008

I have been so busy in my life that I totally neglected to upkeep this blog. I just got over a horrible bout with the Flu and Acute Bronchitis….Yuck!! All while we were in Orlando at Disney World. That was a mess for me but the kids and everyone else enjoyed themselves.

To the good news…..I am finally done with being sick, but I still have a cough. I really wish that would go away.

My husband and I are very proud to announce that we are expecting our 4th baby. I am due October 2nd. I will have a scheduled c-section so the baby will be born around the last week in September. Too bad it couldn’t be on my birthday (the 12th).

Right now I am 11 weeks and 3 days. I found out on Jan. 25th. I had to contact my Doctor right away because I have High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol and I needed to stop the Cholesterol medicine and change the Blood Pressure medicine. I already have had 2 ultrasounds. One at 6 weeks 5 days and the other one at 9 weeks 5 days. I saw the heart beat and it was so strong. I am just excited to be finally hitting my 2nd trimester because the risk of miscarriage drops dramatically.

I go back to the Doctor on April 1st (yeah, I know it’s April Fool’s Day…lol) for just my monthly check-ups. Sometime around 16-20 weeks, I have to go to Vanderbilt in Nashville to get an extensive ultrasound because I will tun 35 years old at the end of this pregnancy. That means I get to have a 3D-4D ultrasound…I am happy about that, but I really do not want to travel to Nashville (an hour away) to get an ultrasound. I work in Nashville and travel 5-6 days a week out there and I cannot stand the trip…

But, it is for the health of my baby, so I will not complain too much there.

OK, I will keep updating my pregnancy here, just in case anyone is interested in keeping up with me.

From the first kick to the day he/she will be born.

It will all be here for you to read!

Take care and until next time……


Donate Your Breast Milk

25 01 2007


I have always wondered that if I had an extra supply of breast milk, if I can donate it. You can and it’s easy to do..



What do you think about donating your breast milk if you have extra? Would you do it to help the Mothers who don’t? It sounds like a great idea…


Do you, for one reason or another, have more breast milk than your baby needs? Great. Donate it to babies who aren’t so lucky. From Time:


Continue to read Donate Your Breast Milk

Breastfeeding Supplements: How to Wean Your Baby Off

9 12 2006

It has been 8 months and counting since I have been breastfeeding my daughter. I am very proud of myself for that! I continue to nurse her until she is a year or maybe a little longer. When it comes down to weaning, I hope the process is a smooth one. Here is an article I found about trying to wean formula out of the breastfeeding diet. I am not against formula in any way, but if you had to supplement, this is a good article to read.

If you have had significant breastfeeding problems — this can include difficulty getting the baby to latch or breastfeed effectively or severely sore nipples, as well as having a slow gaining baby or a baby that, when a preemie, was given bottles — you might find yourself in a situation where you are both breastfeeding and supplementing with bottles of expressed breast milk or formula. For many mothers, this falls short of their original goal to exclusively breastfeed in order to provide the optimum nutrition and immune system boost that direct breastfeeding affords. If you are currently providing breastfeeding supplements to your baby and would like to work toward your goal to breastfeed, it’s encouraging to know that it’s entirely possible to achieve.

Continue to read “Breastfeeding Supplements: How to Wean Your Baby Off”


29 08 2006

I want to introduce myself. I am Angie and I am a proud parent of 3 beautiful children. I wanted to create this site so it gives parents a chance to express their thoughts and opinions, as well as give/receive advice. If you have any concerns, feel free to post them or you may contact me personally at aconn73@gmail.com